5 min read

Unleashing Efficiency and Growth in B2B Distribution

The distribution industry is experiencing unprecedented digital commerce growth, with B2B eCommerce sales expanding by 17% in 2023, reaching just over $2 trillion. This surge underscores the critical importance of digital transformation for distributors and wholesalers, highlighting the need to adopt best practices in digital commerce and order management to stay competitive. This digital shift involves not only adopting new technologies but also using them to boost operational efficiency and customer satisfaction while adapting to the purchasing habits of modern B2B buyers who seek convenience, personalized experiences, and instant information. 

At the same time, the landscape of B2B distribution is being reshaped by increasing competition, with direct-to-consumer (D2C) models and B2B marketplaces growing at seven times the rate of overall B2B eCommerce. This competitive pressure is prompting distributors to intensify their eCommerce and digital transformation efforts. A significant 83% of B2B buyers now prefer using eCommerce for ordering and payment, signaling a clear shift towards online purchasing and the importance of providing a seamless, digital-first buying experience. 

As B2B buyers’ expectations align more closely with those of B2C consumers, the demand for enhanced digital commerce and order management capabilities has become more pronounced. Distributors must, therefore, prioritize the activation of digital commerce and OMS best practices, from streamlining their order management processes to optimizing their online search capabilities, to not only meet but exceed these evolving customer expectations. 

This article explores crucial best practices and essential strategies that can empower B2B distributors to navigate the complexities of digital commerce & order management, ensuring they remain competitive in a digital-first marketplace. As the industry moves forward, embracing these digital commerce and OMS innovations will be key to unlocking new opportunities and driving sustainable growth in the distribution sector. 

Answering the Call of Modern Buyers: Best Practices for Digital Commerce & Order Management

Today’s B2B buyer is tech-savvy, short on time, and expects purchasing convenience that echoes their personal shopping experiences. They seek suppliers who can provide convenience, speed, and value-added service that differentiates them from competitors. 

Here are my top digital commerce and order management best practice recommendations for B2B distributors. 

Seamless Integration Across Platforms

Seamless integration across the digital commerce ecosystem is a critical success factor for B2B distributors. An optimized integration framework not only streamlines internal operations but also provides a unified customer experience across all digital touch points. 

  1. Elimination of Data Silos: Integrated platforms facilitate a smooth data ecosystem, ensuring information flows seamlessly across systems. By breaking down data silos, redundant efforts are eliminated, leading to more effective data analysis and decision-making.
  2. Streamlined Workflows: By automating seamless data exchange between ERP, OMS, and eCommerce platforms, workflows become more efficient. This seamless integration substantially decreases the need for manual intervention, leading to reduced operational expenses and faster transaction processing.
  3. Consistent Customer Experience: Buyers benefit from the uniformity and reliability of integration. Whether interacting with sales, customer service, or online channels, they receive consistent information and services, which builds confidence in the distributor’s brand.
  4. Scalability and Future-Proofing: Integrated systems are more adaptable to growth and changes in the market. Distributors can more easily incorporate new technologies or scale operations without major overhauls to their existing systems – particularly when using modern, composable systems.
  5. Compliance and Security Advantages: An integrated platform can better manage data security and compliance, as uniform systems are easier to monitor and update in line with changing regulations.

Seamless integration within the B2B digital commerce ecosystem is vital for achieving operational excellence and providing exceptional customer experiences. A comprehensive integration strategy enables businesses to unlock significant benefits directly impacting their financial performance.

Operational efficiency improves as integrated systems streamline workflows, reducing the need for manual intervention, thereby cutting operational costs and speeding up transaction processing. From a buyer standpoint, the reliability and consistency offered through seamless integration builds trust and confidence in your brand, nurturing loyalty and satisfaction. This strategic approach also provides the flexibility to scale and adapt to market changes with minimal disruption, ensuring your business stays competitive and prepared for the future.

Prioritizing seamless integration protects companies against current challenges and positions them to seize emerging opportunities, fostering revenue growth and operational efficiency in a dynamic digital environment.

Real-Time Inventory Visibility

Having real-time inventory visibility isn’t just a nice to have; it’s a must for operational success in today’s highly competitive digital environment. Quick and precise insights into stock levels are crucial for distributors to meet buyer needs promptly. By using an advanced OMS with real-time inventory tracking, businesses can ensure reliability, which is vital for customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

  1. Immediate Stock Updates: Real-time inventory systems give distributors the agility to respond to buyer inquiries with accuracy, ensuring that sales reps have current information at their fingertips. This reduces the risk of stockouts or overselling scenarios, which can lead to delays and damage customer trust.
  2. Improved Supply Chain Coordination: With clearer visibility, supply chain partners can synchronize their activities with precision. This level of coordination enhances the efficiency of the entire chain, from procurement to delivery, minimizing the potential for errors and wasted resources.
  3. Enhanced Customer Service: When distributors have a clear view of their inventory, they are better equipped to manage buyer expectations and provide prompt and informed responses to queries about product availability.
  4. Strategic Restocking and Planning: Analyzing patterns within inventory levels helps distributors anticipate demand and fluctuation, leading to smarter purchasing decisions and improved stock management.

According to Conveyco, 34% of businesses have shipped an order late because they inadvertently sold a product that was not in stock. Adopting real-time inventory management will improve order fulfillment processes, reduce stockouts, and improve sales.  By embracing this technology, B2B distributors not only optimize their operations but also solidify their reputation as dependable partners in a competitive market.

Streamlined Order Management

A modern OMS is vital in today’s fast-paced B2B setting – but seamlessly integrating an OMS with other systems only lays the groundwork. The true value of a modern OMS lies in making those integrations work smarter and harder to deliver real, tangible benefits to buyers. Streamlining order management means reviewing and adapting current processes to take advantage of the digital capabilities in today’s modern order management systems. 

  1. Operational Efficiency: Automating key order processes, from inventory control to fulfillment, slashes the time and resources spent on manual tasks, thereby increasing operational efficiency. This not only frees up employees’ time but also reduces the risk of human error.
  2. Accelerated Order Processing: By leveraging automation processes, a modern OMS can drastically reduce the time from order capture to fulfillment. This rapid processing capability enables distributors to meet the expectation of same-day or next-day delivery, a service level that has become the norm in the digital age.
  3. Improved Accuracy and Reduced Returns: With a modern OMS that automatically checks for errors and follows configured business rules and workflows, distributors can mitigate the likelihood of incorrect orders. This precision ensures that buyers receive what they ordered, reducing the costly process of returns and exchanges.
  4. Inventory and Order Synchronization: Real-time synchronization between the OMS and inventory systems prevents the sale of out-of-stock items and enables more accurate restocking and inventory management, further enhancing customer satisfaction by ensuring product availability.
  5. Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: A modern OMS offers reporting tools that provide insights into sales trends, order volume, and buyer preferences. These analytics help distributors make strategic decisions to optimize their sales and marketing efforts.

A modern OMS using streamlined order management processes is a catalyst for operational excellence, empowering distributors to exceed customer expectations and secure a competitive advantage. EMB cites a Gartner study that shows businesses that implement advanced OMS solutions can reduce order processing costs by up to 30%. This level of operational agility will help position B2B distributors as leaders within their industry, ready to adapt and flourish in the ever-changing market landscape.

B2B Customization and Personalization

Customization and personalization are at the forefront of modern B2B commerce, as they play a pivotal role in delivering value to today’s digitally native buyers. In an era where one-size-fits-all solutions are becoming obsolete, B2B distributors must harness the power of digital tools to provide tailored experiences that meet individual buyer needs and preferences. 

  1. Personalized Customer Interactions: Utilizing order data, search, and browsing analytics to understand purchasing patterns and preferences enables distributors to personalize communication and sales strategies, engaging customers with relevant content and product suggestions. This not only enhances the buyer experience but also drives conversion rates.
  2. Customized Pricing Models: Advanced OMS and dDigital cCommerce platforms support customized pricing strategies that adjust pricing based on customer segment, product, and buyer account. Such pricing structures can incentivize purchases, encourage larger order volumes, and strengthen buyer relationships.
  3. Buyer-Friendly Online Portals: A customizable online portal helps buyers manage their accounts, track orders, forecast purchases, and access personalized recommendations, giving them control and a sense of ownership over their purchasing journey. This empowers buyers and fosters a more engaging and collaborative relationship with the distributor.

Mastering customization and personalization is no longer optional for B2B distributors aiming to stay competitive. It’s essential for facilitating growth, enhancing operational efficiency, and delivering a superior customer experience. A study by McKinsey reveals that organizations that that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from those activities than average companies. This underscores the urgent need for B2B distributors to leverage cutting-edge digital commerce tools that offer tailored experiences. By doing so, they can not only secure a competitive edge but also elevate their customer engagement and retention metrics.

Mobile Optimization

In an increasingly connected economy, the necessity for mobile optimization in B2B distribution cannot be understated. Mobile-first sites have shifted from a convenience to a cornerstone of digital commerce, with studies indicating over 70% of B2B buyers use mobile devices during their purchasing process. To cater to this growing demographic, B2B distributors must prioritize a mobile-friendly customer experience. 

  1. Enhanced Accessibility: Mobile optimization ensures that buyers have access to the digital commerce website at their convenience, facilitating on-the-go management of orders and access to product information, which is particularly essential for field representatives and decision-makers.
  2. Seamless User Experience: A mobile-optimized interface that mirrors the sophistication and functionality of its desktop counterpart is paramount. It necessitates intuitive navigation, fast page loads, and simplified transaction processes to meet the high expectations of modern buyers.
  3. Greater Reach and Engagement: Mobile optimization expands a distributor’s reach, providing immediate engagement opportunities through notifications and updates keeping buyers informed and connected to the company’s services.
  4. Competitive Differentiation: Prioritizing mobile optimization can significantly differentiate a B2B distributor in a market where mobile responsiveness is still gaining ground. It signals a commitment to leveraging technology for enhanced customer experiences.

As the demographic of B2B buyers skews increasingly younger, expectations for a seamless digital purchasing experience parallel those of the B2C verticals. These tech-savvy professionals demand business interactions reflective of their personal shopping experiences, prioritizing ease, efficiency, and accessibility. Distributors that align with this digital-first mindset by integrating user-friendly mobile commerce solutions are well-placed to meet these modern requirements, fostering loyalty and driving competitive differentiation in an evolving marketplace. 

Optimized B2B Search Capabilities

Optimized search capabilities in B2B digital commerce solutions are crucial for a smooth user experience and efficient purchase journeys. In the complex landscape of B2B transactions, where product catalogs can be vast and buyer needs highly specific, a sophisticated search tool becomes critical for operational efficiency. 

  1. Advanced Search Algorithms: Utilizing AI-powered search algorithms elevates the customer experience by providing fast, accurate Distributors can offer predictive search suggestions, autocorrelation, and natural language processing to ensure buyers find the exact product they require with minimal effort.
  2. Filtered Search Options: Offering robust filtering options tailored to industry-specific attributes allows buyers to narrow their search effectively, saving time and accelerating the path to purchase. This includes filters for specifications, availability, price ranges, and custom attributes relevant to the B2B distributor’s domain.
  3. Search Analytics: A powerful search solution also provides valuable data for distributors. By analyzing search queries and behaviors, business leaders can gain insights into customer preferences and trends, informing inventory decisions and marketing strategies.
  4. Seamless Integration with Catalog Management: An optimized search solution needs accurate catalog, price, and inventory information to ensure that product data is robust and accurate, to enhance trust and reduce order errors.
  5. AI-Driven Search Experience: AI-driven search can anticipate user intentions and offer helpful autocomplete suggestions while customers type, enhancing the search process’s efficiency.

B2B eCommerce experiences in particular demand strong search capabilities to manage factors like large product catalogs, complex pricing, configurable products, and customer specific SKUs. Advanced search features will simplify potential difficulty in the buying experience, accelerate the purchase path, and directly influence decisions. Frictionless search features often lead to higher conversion rates, better customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.

From Insight to Action: Leverage Our Experience

This list is not comprehensive; however, it includes key best practices for success in today’s digital commerce and order management ecosystems for B2B distributors. Understanding how to apply these best practices isn’t just beneficial—it’s crucial for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving B2B commerce landscape. Whether you want to improve your operational efficiency, enhance your customer experience, or drive sales growth, these strategies provide an initial roadmap to success. 

I encourage you to take the next step in your digital commerce and order management journey by scheduling a consultation or demo with the team at AAXIS Digital or our strategic partners at Kibo. Together, we will refine these best practices to meet the specific needs of your immediate business challenges, ensuring you can leverage the full potential of digital commerce and order management opportunities. 

Are you ready to together to move your digital business needle and captivate your customers? Let’s connect!
