5 min read

Dreamforce 2024

Dreamforce 2024 Reflections: Commerce and Revenue Clouds Embrace Composability 

It has been a full week since Dreamforce 2024 concluded, and much like its predecessors, it was a whirlwind of innovation! While Agentforce stole the spotlight, many of us at AAXIS were keenly focused on the future of Commerce Cloud and its newer sibling, Revenue Cloud. So, what did we learn? 

Composability Takes Center Stage 

A clear theme emerged from Dreamforce keynotes and sessions: Salesforce is doubling down on ‘composability’ for both Commerce and Revenue Clouds. 

While Salesforce has long championed API accessibility, Dreamforce emphasized the renewed focus on composability for agile, customer-centric solutions. The Commerce Cloud roadmap presentation directly highlighted ‘Composable Commerce Services,’ showcasing catalog, search, promotions, and more as modular components. 

The Revenue Cloud Keynote highlighted its evolution towards a composable, API-first architecture, promising flexibility across channels, revenue models, and industries. This modular approach, coupled with support for diverse revenue streams, positions the new Revenue Cloud for success, potentially streamlining complex CPQ implementations. 

Easy Does It 

Salesforce has been aggressively simplifying Commerce Cloud setup and configuration. This ‘easy’ theme continued at Dreamforce 2024, alongside the emphasis on composability. 

At first glance, ‘easy’ and ‘composable’ might seem at odds. But Salesforce is battling competitors at both ends of the spectrum. Downmarket, they face Shopify, who claims Salesforce is complex. Upmarket, they compete with MACH alliance members like commercetools, who paint Salesforce as a monolithic, inflexible platform. 

Salesforce’s answer? Embrace both ‘easy’ and ‘composable.’ Dreamforce showcased robust, flexible solutions for sophisticated use cases, while adhering to design principles that make implementation achievable. 


Dreamforce 2024 painted a clear picture: Commerce Cloud and Revenue Cloud are evolving towards a more modular, flexible future. Salesforce is striving to balance ease of use with the power of composability, aiming to deliver solutions that cater to both sophisticated enterprise needs and the agility demands of the modern market. It’s an exciting time to be in the Salesforce ecosystem, and we at AAXIS are eager to leverage these advancements for our clients. 

Call to Action: 

Want to explore how composable commerce and revenue solutions can transform your business? Contact AAXIS today for a consultation. 


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